Buying a new hot tub is an investment, one that pays off in personal enjoyment dividends for you, your family, and your friends. Use the tips below to maintain your hot tub, make good use of hot tub supplies, and ensure that it last longer, so that you can truly enjoy your new hot tub investment for many years to come.
Find out exactly what hot tub supplies your hot tub dealer or manufacturer recommends for maintaining and sanitizing the water in your particular model as equipped. For example, if you’ve invested in a UV hot tub water purification system, you may not need to use as many hot tub chemicals or any depending on your system.
Invest in the recommended hot tub test strips and test your water regularly. It’s important to find the right balance, because if your hot tub water has too many chemicals, they can corrode hot tub equipment and even irritate your skin and eyes. Meanwhile, if you don’t have enough hot tub chemicals or an alternate water sanitization system, bacteria could thrive.
It’s very important that you clean your hot tub filters frequently. Your hot tub filters work hard, filtering out dirt, debris, and other particles. However, they can get dirty and not work as efficiently, unless you clean them. By cleaning your filters as often as every two weeks, your spa’s filtration system will work more efficiently and your water will stay cleaner. We also recommend that you change your filters periodically.
To clean your hot tub filter, remove from the system and install your backup filter for the time being. Use a garden hose to rinse debris from the filter and then fill a bucket with filter cleaner and warm water. Allow your filter to soak in this solution for as long as the product instructions, or the expert at your local spa store, recommends. Once the time is up, give the filter another rinse with the garden hose and switch it out with your other filter. Allow the backup filter to dry completely before storing it away safely. For more information about cleaning your hot tub filter or to find the best hot tub chemicals to clean your filters, visit our experts at SunSpa in Calgary today.
Clean your hot tub cover monthly. You do have a hot tub cover, don’t you? If not, buy one pronto as a hot tub cover can help protect your spa, keep leaves and debris from contaminating the water when not in use, and lower your hot tub heating bills. Help make vinyl hot tub covers last by using a vinyl conditioning treatment every few months. This will help protect it from UV light that can cause cracks.
We recommend removing the cover from the spa and leaning up against a fence or deck. Use your hose to rinse it down and a warm, soapy cloth to do an initial cleaning. Using hot tub cover cleaning products, give your cover a good scrub and make sure to get inside all of the nooks and crannies. While cleaning, be sure to keep an eye out for any warning signs that it might be time to upgrade your hot tub cover.
Signs that your cover needs an update can include:
- Heavy in weight
- Rips or tears
- Mold
- Foul odor
Once water and moisture seep through the protective barrier of your hot tub cover, it can cause mold and other bacteria to grow, ultimately ruining the cover and even posing a risk to your health. If you notice any of these things, it may be time for a new cover.
Give your cover one final rinse with the hose and allow to dry for a few hours. Once dry, place and secure back on your hot tub.
Prevent and address mildew quickly and effectively to ensure a high-quality and long-lasting hot tub experience. Ideally, your hot tub should be located in a well-ventilated area so that humidity doesn’t accumulate and cause mildew. Likewise, your hot tub cover should not come in contact with the surface water. If you notice any signs of mildew, clean the area with high-quality hot tub chemicals and determine why it is forming in the first place. Mitigate the problem to prevent a recurrence. If you’re having trouble preventing or eliminating bacteria from your hot tub, it may be time to schedule hot tub service.
Have your spa serviced by a hot tub technician periodically. Just as your car needs periodic professional maintenance, the same is true of hot tubs. Good times to schedule service are just before winter and just before summer. Not only can your hot tub technician make sure all of your hot tub equipment is in good working order, catch potential problems before they manifest, and change your hot tub’s filters, he or she can also prepare the hot tub for the upcoming season. This is particularly important in places like Canada where freezing temperatures could damage hot tub equipment.
Consider leaving your spa’s circulation pumps on at all times, or at least on a timer. You can turn the heat down if you don’t plan on using the hot tub for an extended period, but keep the water circulating. This can help prevent the buildup of algae and ensure that the water is filtered and cleaned using your hot tub’s filtration and purification system.
For more information about hot tub maintenance or if you’re looking for hot tub chemicals, hot tub filters, or other hot tub supplies in Calgary, contact SunSpa today.